Package saaps.dbt

Interface Summary
DatabaseRMI Remote interface for Database access.

Class Summary
ACEmag A class for ACE magnetometer objects.
ACEmagDB ACEDB extends the Database class.
ACEmagHourly A class for ACE magnetometer objects.
ACEmagHourlyDB ACEmagHourlyDB extends the Database class.
ACEswe A class for ACE objects.
ACEsweDB ACEDB extends the Database class.
ACEsweHourly A class for ACE objects.
ACEsweHourlyDB ACEDB extends the Database class.
BuildHourlyACE BuildHourlyACE downloads the ACE mag and swe data and stores it in the database.
BuildOMNI BuildOMNI downloads the OMNI particle data.
Database Database is the abstract base class for all saaps data classes.
DatabaseRMIImpl Provides a RMI server for Database access.
ExportAscii Handles the export of data from the SAAPS database.
GOES08part A class for GOES-08 particle data.
GOES08partDB GOES08partDB extends the Database class.
GOES08xray A class for GOES-08 X-ray data.
GOES08xrayDB GOES08xrayDB extends the Database class.
GOES10part A class for GOES-08 particle data.
GOES10partDB GOES10partDB extends the Database class.
GOES10xray A class for GOES-10 X-ray data.
GOES10xrayDB GOES10xrayDB extends the Database class.
ImportData Import data from a file and store it in our database.
ImportKp ImportKp reads Kp from file and merges it into a database.
Kp A class for Kp objects.
KpDB KpDB extends the Database class.
LatestACEmag LatestACEmag downloads the latest ACE Bx, By, Bz, Bt, latitude and longitude data from SEC and stores it in the database.
LatestACEswe LatestACEswe downloads the latest ACE plasma data from SEC and stores it in the database.
LatestGOES08part LatestGOES08part downloads the latest GOES08 particle data and position.
LatestGOES08xray LatestGOES08xray downloads the latest GOES08 xray data and position.
LatestGOES10part LatestGOES10part downloads the latest GOES10 particle data and position.
LatestGOES10xray LatestGOES10xray downloads the latest GOES10 xray data and position.
LatestPrelKp LatestPrelKp downloads the latest preliminary Kp from SEC and stores it in the SAAPS database.
MetaData MetaData is a class that provides methods to read and write the meta data from or to the meta data file.
OMNI A class for OMNI objects.
OMNIDB OMNIDB extends the Database class.
RemoteInspect Displays data from the selected remote Database.
TestPrelKp LatestPrelKp downloads the latest preliminary Kp from SEC and stores it in the SAAPS database.

Exception Summary
DatabaseException Database main exception
MetaNotSetException Metadata not set
TimestepException Timestep