Open Data Interface, ODI

ESTEC/Contract No. 21964/08/NL/AT

Monthly Progress Report


Period: 2009-03-01--03-31

Author: Lars Eliasson

1. Progress status

The SQL code to create the tables holding the CDF metadata has been updated.

PHP code has been written that automatically creates the SQL tables based on CDF data. The SQL tables are created according to the "multi-table" approach so that each variable in a CDF data set gets one SQL table. Investigation of the "multi-column" approach has also been initiated. The two approaches are described in the ODI presentation indicated below.

It was realised that the CDF_EPOCH type can hold time information with millisecond resolution while the SQL DATETIME type has a highest resolution of seconds. Therefore an additional column will be added to the SQL tables to hold the millisecond part.

A presentation on ODI was prepared for the COST ES0803 meeting at Frascati, Rome, 1-3 April 2009. The presentation can be found at

Web page

WP 100 Core Database System

A draft of the ECSS-E40 documents (D1) is prepared including e.g. Software System Specification.

A draft of the URD has been written.

A draft of the Database Technical Note (D3) has been written.

User manual for the database administrator (D2) will be produced.

Database system and source code (S1) prototype is produced.

WP200 Database

Work with the populated database and source code has started and prototypes have been generated for parts of the system.

MySQL database has been updated

Updated ECSS-E40 document at T0 + 3.5 according to the schedule

Updated Technical Note at T0 + 3.5 according to the schedule

WP300 SAAPS interface

Start T0+3.5 according to the schedule

Updated ECSS-E40 document at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

The plan is that the software will be delivered on May 22nd

Technical note ready at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

WP400 SEDAT interface

Start T0+3.5 according to the schedule

Updated ECSS-E40 document at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

The plan is that the software will be delivered on May 22nd

Technical note ready at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

WP500 SPENVIS interface

Start T0+3.5 according to the schedule

Updated ECSS-E40 document at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

The plan is that the software will be delivered on May 22nd

Technical note ready at T0 + 6 according to the schedule

WP600 Maintenance and support

Start T0+6 according to the schedule

WP700 Administration/management

Monthly progress reports

Final Report ready at T0 + 12

2. Problem areas/reasons for slippages

The date for the MTR has been slightly delayed.

3. Events anticipated to be accomplished during next reporting period

ODI presentation at COST meeting in Rome.

4. Status report on all long lead or critical delivery items


5. Action items

The following action item was decided during the PM1

Action Item PM-1 Hugh Evans shall investigate where the system will be hosted at ESTEC, allocate space, and arrange for the necessary licences and servers to be set up at ESTEC.

6. Milestone payment status

Advance payment has been paid to IRF and subcontractor. Progress payment expected after software delivery.

7. Expected dates for major schedule items

The second Progress Meeting (MTR) is planned to take place 4 June, 2009 at ESTEC. A suggested agenda for the MTR meeting can be found on the internal pages